# Hypertensive Encephalopathy
**Hypertensive encephalopathy** is a specific type of [[encephalopathy]] that can happen when an individual's blood pressure spikes or it remains too high for too long. Sometimes this means in the 180's, but it can happen even in the 130s, or other ranges we would typically consider as normal. The pathophysiology of hypertensive encephalopathy is not completely understood, but we think it has to do with surge in blood pressure damaging the [[blood-brain barrier]], allowing for toxins to enter the brain and leading to inflammation and damage.
Hypertensive encephalopathy is a [[medical emergency]], so the cause needs to be identified and addressed quickly.
## Cause
- chronic hypertension
- problems with the kidneys (which regulate blood pressure) such as [[glomerulonephritis]]
- [[preeclampsia]]
## Risk Factors
- older age
- chronic kidney diseases
- uncontrolled hypertension
## Signs & Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of hypertensive encephalopathy are:
- headache (severe)
- changes in LOC
- altered mental status
- visual disturbances
- seizures
- other neurological symptoms
## Treatment
Treatment for hypertensive encephalopathy consists of identifying and treating the underlying causes.